Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I love to write, but I also love to start projects, get all jazzed about them and never touch them again... it's just who I am, I guess. I was reading a blog yesterday and felt inspired, I wanted to write again, for the first time in quite some time.

You see, I used to blog, quite often. About all sorts of things, music, TV, nothing, but most of all I blogged quite a bit about my family. I went back and read quite a few of those posts, I had forgotten about so many things with my oldest daughter! What have I already forgotten about my youngest!?

So here is the deal, I am going to blog again, this time with a purpose. I want to make sure I don't forget all the little details, that I can go back and read this very blog and remember things I had somehow managed to forget. So here it is, blog post numero uno!

I didn't really graduate from High School... well not in the traditional sense, at least. While all of my friends were throwing their caps in the air, I was playing Golf with my Dad. Some classes I took from BYU didn't count, until a month after graduation when they decided they did. I have never experienced a commencement, as boring as they may be, I feel like I am missing out. About six months ago I was hanging my Wife's diploma and started to wonder how I would explain to my kids that I didn't graduate from college but Mom did... maybe they wouldn't ask, but this question really bothered me.

Here is the deal, I hated school... a lot. I barely graduated, barely. I could never get going at my various attempts at Higher Education, it all felt the same. Why would this time be any different? I had no reason to believe it would be, aside from being Older and fatter. But I decided to take the chance, spend some time finding an Education Model that works for me and give it a chance. Two months in, and I have finished 5 college level classes, it's hard for me to believe. (Selfishly, I also wanted to blog again to chronicle my journey through school, who wouldn't want to read about my late night struggles with complex equations!?) You know what that means? 5 classes closer to me walking up and being handed a diploma, I can't wait.

So there you go, a honest to goodness blog post again. The start of something, I can feel it. I have tried to start blogging again, but have always felt like I didn't have anything to add... but looking back, I really did. I am just sad I am going to forget the little things I used to write down. Something strange happened when I was thinking about this post though, I started thinking back about moments in my life, not the biggies, you never forget those, but the little things... and I thought about the first CD's I ever purchased. You know what it was? Randy Travis - Deeper than the Holler and Mark Chestnutt - Bubba Shot the Jukebox (Lognecks and Short Stories). I bought them with my Sister Tawni and my Mom, in a mall somewhere... maybe Fashion Place? Tawni bought a CD that day too, we ate a chick-fil-a, I wonder if she remembers eating there and looking at the CD's. I wonder if I would have blogged about it, had blogging been around. In the future I promise to be less boring, more moody and unpredictable, I hear thats what all the cool kids are doing.


Real Legit Person said...

Welcome back buddy!

Tawni said...

Holy crap! I vaguely remember that day - I'm trying to remember the first CD I bought - depeche mode?? Randy Travis...really?? *snort* And, I believe it was Valley Fair Mall - and I'm shocked we got out alive.

I can't wait to see you walk down the isle - can I go to Haiwaii this time?? I promise to catch a pigeon. ;)